I am about to purchase an x-carve to cut out foam rubber and would like to try it on the material before I purchase.
Would anyone close to the Asheville NC area or someone willing to have me send the material to them be open to cutting it for me?
I can send you enough material to cut something for yourself for payment
i’m in south carolina. may be interested. PM me
If you can be more specific about the material, there’s a chance that someone on the Inventables team like @Zach_Kaplan, @TaitLeswing, or @BartDring might run off a quick sample project using that material. Back when the machines were first starting to ship, they seemed to be looking for a variety of materials to do demo cuts with.
Where near asheville i live in charlotte, NC
in a town called black mountain.
I’m going to call them directly and see if they will test cut it first.
Thanks for the reply!
Its a proprietary mixture of flexable polyurethane foam rubber.
Its on the firm side, but is very low density, and very lightweight.
Can any of you guys run a test sample, I will not need it back, just pictures. @Zach_Kaplan, @TaitLeswing, @BartDring.
I live north of Asheville. I just ordered one, but it will be another 5 weeks before I expect it to arrive.