I’m looking for some long 1/8" end mills, single or 2 flute for hardwood. Ideally I need a 2 3/4" length bit.
Need to be able to cut through 1.5 to 1.75" of wooden block. Does anybody have a source for bits this long?
This may come close, message the seller and he may have a longer bit. Good ebay seller. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-8-1250-CARBIDE-2-FLUTE-ENDMILLS-WOOD-OR-PLASTIC/151652883315
The longest I’ve found is this Garr Tools bit: http://www.garrtool.com/tooldetaillogin.jsp?edp=41030
Only a 1" cutting length though. I doubt that you could find longer given how fragile it would be (but I’d love to be wrong) if you spindle has minimal runout, and you don’t need to cut too much along a perpendicular surface it might work.
(listed at: Shapeoko CNC Router, Rigid, Accurate, Reliable, and Affordable )
Hey there !
bringing this thread live. I already have this one
Solid Carbide 2 Flute Straight End Mill
but I would need an extra 4mm and the round plastic of the mill is touching the object. Can I remove It ?
I’m putting the home at the top and carving from left to right… but I would just need few millimeters to cover the full cut.
Best would be if possible to get a straight side cut, one shot, one pass. It’s thermoplastic. It would require a straight cutting of 30mm.
I have cut the rings off of bits before to get more depth, they’re really for identification more than anything.
dope. Thanks man for the feedback. Do you think I should explore getting the cut in one slower pass… instead of the several vertical passes that get me to around 28mm ?
You could probably get away with it because the material is thin. If you have one that is junk, you could try it to see how it works out.
yeah, but the 2F straight-out will never mill 28mm one shoot, the cut area is shorter on the end mill (0.7 in)
I just received this bit, from Walmart.
Yes, Walmart Marketplace
CNC Router Bit
Up Cut
Solid Carbide
Cut Dia. 1/8"
Cut Length 1 1/4"
Overall Length 2 1/2"
Shaft 1/4"
SKU# 31413-SC
Cost $14.95