Logo design ! I am new like to get some tips how to make make my logo

it means ENVIG :slight_smile: Envig - Warmachine - Full demo - YouTube

Do you have a way to save it as a .svg file, rather than a .crv file? Corel ought to have the ability to export or save-as a bunch of different file types, and .svg is a pretty standard type.


let see if that works !!

Yep, thatā€™s what I showed several posts up the page. :grinning:

Ok, I set this up for you in an easel file here:


Also, since I had to do a lot of work on this to get the shapes isolated, hereā€™s the .svg file I imported:

I hope this helps you.

@Travelx: Looks like @Mike drew up a solution for you. I got pulled away from my computer for a bit. When Momma calls, I go!!! :wink:

Iā€™ll look at your crv in depth in a bit. Iā€™m separating the elements first.

OKā€¦finally got away from momma again! She sure can be persuasive!!!

So, I worked over your crv file and added quite a bit of detail. Hopefully, you can follow some of the progression in it. I divide a project like this onto several ā€œlayersā€, then combine them as necessary to get the desired result.

Hereā€™s how the logo looks from VCarve:

Hereā€™s my version of the crv file:

Envig_3Tier.crv (4.0 MB)

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oh very nice guys thank you all a lot!!! but i still need to cut it out all the way but i think i can do that too !! I will post the end resuld. That is the first forum that ppl really respont :+1:

hhmmm i can not oppen it its says you got a newer version of Vcarve Pro then me :frowning:

What version do you have? I have VCarve Desktop v8.024.

VCarve Pro 6.504

I donā€™t see any provision to be able to save to an earlier version.

ok well that is ok i dont understand what is the big differents between does two versions then i need to take Mikes :slight_smile: sorry for all the work you did.

Ps. half way with my X carve :stuck_out_tongue:

No problem. I enjoy doing these types of designs because itā€™s good practice.

Show us a photo of your XCarve when you finish it.

I saved the toolpaths from the file I created using the XCarve post processor:

The rough carve uses a 6.35mm (1/4") 2-flute end mill.
Envig_Rough_XCarve_mm.gcode (119.6 KB)

A 6.35mm (1/4") 22.5Ā° v-bit is used for the fine carving.
Envig_Final_XCarve_mm.gcode (1.3 MB)

So one qwick pic. of my new baby :stuck_out_tongue: it is still in my livingroom but soon it will go out in the new workshop :slight_smile: works fine so far just need to find out what programm is the best :slight_smile: thanks guys

wonder who will see it frist :stuck_out_tongue:


Nice! Youā€™re moving along well!!!

Hi being a professional designer I can give you some tips regarding your work. As a matter of first importance never duplicate or attempt to copy logo from other organizations. Among business society, logo is the fingerprint of a company. If you own a nice and creative logo that will be one of good asset to business and will definitely add another star for your business notoriety.First step before designing a logo is to get an idea; what kind of logo our business need, basically there are four main types of logosĀ·

  • Wordmarks ( which Contains of letters or Names (IBM, Kleenx).
  • Single word letter logos (like F->Facebook, H ā†’ Honda, ).Ā·
  • Illustrated symbols (a bird for Twitter, propeller on BMW, Jaguar logo).Ā·
  •  Abstract compositions (such as swoosh on the Nike logo).

Move to design part after getting a clear idea of above part, If you are creative design part is pretty much simple. If you know CAD you can save some bucks. Otherwise you need to hire a designer for you. One more thing I want to say is, always go with a multi color logo. A multi color logos can easily capture attention of public than conventional logos. If you need more details about logo design pig me or search on Google. There are thousands of articles explaining the Art of logo design read it and get a clear idea. I prefer this elegantly composed article by Joe Scout from club ink. Ping me if you need any further assistance.
Regards Boris