SO, on my first day after final assembly, I’ve done something to kill the xcarve. Here’s the steps that led to this state:
Did a couple cuts in easel, all is well.
Wanted to find a way to jog the toolhead around, so I installed Chilipeppr.
Got it working: used the ui to jog the head around. Happy.
Hit the home button: It immediately drove the toolhead straight into the wasteboard, and steppers started making bad sounds under the strain. Unplugged the machine immediately.
When I turn it back on, the steppers no longer work: In Easel, when I go to configure the machine, which gives you the jog controlls, they don’d do anything. Steppers are dead, and I can move the gantry freely.
But, if I hold one of the limitswitches, the stepper locks up and holds it in place.
What on earth have I done?