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I have an Arduino with an engraver shield and using Easel. The steppers are Nema 23. X&Y are belt driven with a 20 tooth sprocket. Z is 8mm ACME screw with 2mm pitch
In the Machine Inspector I can test the limit switches. X & Y work ok but Z does not. Have swapped switches around so not a wiring problem. I have enabled $20, $21 and $22
I have set up $100=5, $101=5 and $102= 320 or 188…976 depending if I use a ACME or 8 mm screwed rod.
With X and Y I have been able to adjust the settings which look very low compared with what I have researched and will need to finally set. (Micro step setting?)
Z is just not adjustable. Any alteration I make just has no effect. When I jog Z 1mm it moves about 8mm.
I was just coming to that assumption and was trying to determine if the shield is compatible. Easel says in Machine Inspector that it is GRBL 1.1f. At the moment I can only find that the shield I have is compatible with GRBL but not which version only that it is compatible with the UNO.
Appreciate your help but this may well be the source of my problems.
I appear to be going round in circles.
Initially when in Manager I was able to test X & Y limit switches and they would indicate and for some reason they do not now they do however function as they stop the machine.
Is this nonsense but if I came back to GRBL 0.9 would that help?
I grounded pin 11 and it had no effect. Grounding pin 12 stopped everything .
Will download v0.8 and see what happens.
This does explain some of the problems I have experienced
I find that resolving low level issues with Easel is a little difficult because you don’t really know what Easel is doing.
I can help you more effectively if you talk directly to grbl. If you have the Arduino IDE installed you can use the IDE serial monitor to talk directly to grbl. Want to try that?