so i ordered a light ring and the voltage converter. my question is would it be ok if i pulled power off the spindle that way the light comes on when the spindle comes on. OR is it better advised to just pull power off the 24v coming out of the psu that isn’t used behind the inventables control shield?
If you pull it off the spindle then it will dim with the speed of the spindle as it uses a PWm speed controller which will also dim the lights. A straight power source for the LEDs will be much better. Or you can throw this guy in there and control the level of the LEDS a part from everything else for about $8 I use a setup like this on each of my 3 mills and it really helps to have a light source right now by your work. I make my own light rings with 5630 surface mount LED and they are nice and bright on all my mills and the 3D printer effector plate.
yeah the more i thought about it the more i thought it would be better to run it right off the 24v poles inside the PSU for the Xcarve. like i said i have a voltage regulator so i can convert it to 12v with out an issue. just makes things easier if its all controlled by one power source.
from idea to reality. it does work very well i must say.
That looks really good. I like the nice bright light it puts out.
I did something similar, but less good looking. I just super glued a LED ring I bought on amazon to the spindle and wired it up to the old spindle connections…
hey if it works it works