The Xcarve 1000 arrived last month and is up and running with no problems.
I bought the Lenovo Ideapad 100S as a super cheap laptop to run Easel out in the workshop thinking
I would need to upgrade later on.
Well … Easel of course runs perfectly but is limited so I looked at Vectric Cut2D Desktop as an affordable
upgrade from Easel.
Well … Cut2D runs just fine on the little laptop that could and it also runs on the copy of XP that
resides on the Mac Mini in the house. I also use Corel Draw X6 on XP on the Mac.
Well … guess what? yep, that’s right the Ideapad running Windows 10 handles Corel Draw just fine as well.
I guess for now I’ll need to put off buying a fancy laptop.
For $149 This little laptop fits perfectly with the XCarve and related software that I own and use.
I think Easel is the bomb by the way!