I just got my XCarve 500mm assembled and working, brand new to CNC. Got the Intro to Easel carve done in some MDF and then did some small engravings in wood discs. Very beginner stuff but looks great right away. Inkscape for graphic design, Easel for CAM and feeding gcode. Having lots of fun, except for when I slam my gantry into the wall…
With home switches in place, I run a home sequence (either with Easel’s “Home” button on Machine menu, or with $H through the Machine Inspector Console), all three axis move to machine zero properly (y=front, x=left, z=top).
To get the gantry out of my way so I can position and secure my workpiece, I issue command “G53 G0 Y100” and the gantry moves 100mm away from me, just about a third of the usable ~300mm distance of Y axis, exactly as expected.
Use Easel’s “Carve…” wizard to walk through machine setup, click the arrow icons to jog and zero on workpiece, execute the carve. For reference, my work zero for Y is at about Y60 relative to machine zero.
Works great, the carve ends with the bit zero’ed on the workpiece, raised up just a bit in the Z axis, all very normal.
To get at my finished product, I need to move the spindle and gantry out of the way.
Issue command “G53 G0 Z0” and the Z axis moves perfectly up to the top position.
Issue command “G53 G0 Y100” and the Y gantry flies to the rear, slams the end plates, and keeps grinding / stalling the motors for what seems as an eternity until I lose nerve and pull the plug from the wall (poor man’s e-stop). All the while, the Y position indicator in Easel’s Machine Inspector keeps climbing into the thousands (of course, the gantry is not moving because its against the plate).
I’ve been able to repeat those steps with the same sad result.
Why does “G53 G0 Y100” behave differently immediately after a Home sequence than after a carve is done? If I read the gcode spec right, G53 forces the rest of the line to be read as absolute from machine zero.
Even if I’m wrong about G53’s behavior and the command is treated as relative to current position, I specifically put my work at Y60 so if it were relative and traveled an additional 100 from there, it should end up at a very safe and inside bounds position of Y160, instead of shooting for the horizon.