Can Piranha FX laser module and controller be used on Xcarve?
Can’t answer you question, but why would you buy an $800 unit when you can get one that is already setup for the X-carve for $475 (J Tech).
Do you already have one and just want to hook it up to the X-carve?
I already have a Piranha FX, I actually won it in a giveaway from Popular Mechanics and Rockler a year or so ago. Came with the laser module and controller and also the 3D printer, which I’ve yet to try. I’ve used the laser and router capabilities a lot for my business but it’s just too small for anything of any size. I imagine it should work since the Xcarve can use the Vetric Vcarve software the Piranha came with. The cable for the laser head is not very long though.
Do you have any documentation on the unit?
Yeah, I’ll have to check it out. Not quite ready to pull the trigger on the Xcarve yet. Need to free up some more cash.
If the documentation is in computer form (pdf etc) post it here and I’ll take a look at it.
Thanks, I’ll check it out over the weekend, hopefully.