I received my xcarve, and I have to say this… I am very impressed with the quality. Excellent build quality and directions. I only have a very minor issue.
The build is a tad confusing at first as to where to get the items. I learned the rhyme/reason is this: If it is an optional part it is bundled with the optional items, if it is not it is in the main box.
That being said, if you are going to build an XCarve I would take out all the items and set them out as to the type: (Nuts in bag in all one pile, screws in a pile, etc). The longest part I had was just looking for the item. Other than that it was very very clear and easy. Maybe took me 4 hours to get all the way thru to having both gantry’s built (I still have wiring to do).
Excellent work XCarve folks.