Just about ready. Need to drill all the holes for mounting still, and make a Dust Boot

Hello All,

Picked up my X-Carve back in December. Honestly just getting it running now. Been so busy with other things, and didn’t want to rush it. Plus I wanted to build the Fully Enclosed Cabinet before I ran it. You know how it goes, if I just rushed to get the X-Carve working, I would probably never get he cabinet done for I would be to busy making all the cool things I have dreamed up the last 6 Months.

Overall at this point I am extremely happy the way things are going. The cabinet is complete, last night I programmed the drill holes to mount the waist board and for the most part got it right. I was off on the middle row, but was able to drill the correct ones.

I built my cabinet to enclose the X-Carve, for I run a retail shop and need to keep down as much noise as possible. The Vacuum will sit in the lower section of the cabinet, while all the electronics and PC will be on the Mid shelf. I mounted the bottom rails of the X Carve directly to my cabinet. From there framed out using 1" Pine where the waist board will sit. Being in Canada I have to make my own for shipping is crazy! I wanted to have a waist board that was easy to take in and out, and didn’t want to have to mess with trying to line up all the screws each time it needed to be changed.

Before I mounted the waist board I make a quick program on Easel to level off all the Pine so the Waist board will be perfectly level to the cutting bit. Was a success!! I had some newbie issues with the Belts not tight enough, V Wheels not tight enough, and had to turn up the Power on the Y axis. Now she is mounted…

The Cabinet is on wheels, everything is mounted neatly. I have a Master power switch in case things go crazy on me. Installed some nice LED Strips to light the work area, and the monitor and pull out keyboard tray work nice. I can design int he office and log on when I get to the cabinet.

I hope to drill all the insert holes today, and make my own dust boot as a first project. I like the On online, from Kent, although being in Canada, I’m looking at close to 260,00… I bought the X-Carve to make things!!! So I will give it a ago…

Wish me luck! I hope to be back on with an update soon.


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Nice cabinet. I’m working on my own design right now.