I am using my CNC to machine a few components for my home-built jet turbine, parallell to those efforts I am looking at making a complete ECU (Engine Control Unit) to control and monitor it during ground testing.
When I started the turbine build I knew little about metal working etc and it has been a learning curve.
Ardunio / coding the same, I know little hence this new thread where I hope to get some guidance
Any pointers or resources to read myself up on will be appreciated
I currently have working code for reading and displaying temperature (EGT) and rpm (RPM) which form the base parameters to govern and control the turbine.
Video showing current state - Model turbine ECU RPM EGT working - YouTube
Build log for the turbine - HalAir Projects Log / Diary - #2 by HaldorLonningdal - Projects - Inventables Community Forum
I will update this thread with the Arduino code later today so those who are interested and curious can have a look.
My intention, in more or less prioritized order, is:
- EGT / RPM / Throttle% values showing on the LCD
- Potmeter to act as throttle control (emulating a servo) providing PWM signal to fuel pump (DC)
Turbine build status:
ECU mock-up code, current iteration look different but read/display real-time data: