Any updates on 2.8 vs 3.8 lasers? I am on the fence right now as to which one to order. I see the differences based on the replies above but had not seen anyone who has the 2.8 comment on it. Also with regards to mounting…has anyone found it challenging to mount with a suck it already installed?
It depends on what you are trying to get out of it.
Good link picengraver…thanks.
More than anything I wanted to confirm that apart from speed, the quality on the 2.8 is just as good.
Depending on how picky you are the 2.8 has a better quality image, the 3.8 is faster.
Good info gents…thanks!
Hi Shane
I am very new to this and it sounds like it was a fairly simple set up for you. P.S the pictures that you posted are great.
Are you using mach3 and did you have to put it a PicConvert™ (DAC+PWM) Converter Board? If so was that difficult? I am looking at buying the 3.8 kit as well. But I am mounting it on my cnc table that I built, and it is running a mach3.
God morning Robert (my local time 09.00 am)
I was thinking to buy a laser to cut out the vinyl records
instead of cutting with the bits
I can´t get the hang of it with right bits and settings.
The vinyl is pretty soft.
Is it difficult to upgrade the X-Carve with a laser cutter
I have been reading a lots of inlays about laser here.
Many of them talk about jtech 2.8
Is it difficult to mount on the x-carve
Thx Robert
I have tried almost anything and almost all my bits (and I have maaaany)
Nothing has worked
I have to try another settings agaaaain
At the moment I have ruin 8: LP´s