Just a qiuck question a am affraid I already know the answer to,is it possible to do something like this with the x carve ?
If not I assume it is related to easel,right ?
Just a qiuck question a am affraid I already know the answer to,is it possible to do something like this with the x carve ?
If not I assume it is related to easel,right ?
The X-carve could do that, although It would require 3D carving software. Easel is not capable of doing this, maybe in the future as they are improving it all the time.
Yep, that’s entirely possible! Either MeshCAM or V-Carve will generate the appropriate code for you, no problem at all. The X-Carve is entirely capable of the job.
Thank you guys Then new software might be my next investment
I would certainly very strongly suggest V-Carve Desktop. It has worked above and beyond all my expectations.
Thank you Dan Have you also tried MeshCam ?
I see that MeshCam is a little less expensive,do you know if there are big differences between the two and which one is the easiest to learn for a total noob like me
Yes, I own both, actually.
MeshCAM is awesome for 3D profiling a model, and it’s my go-to if I have a 3D shape I want to make, particularly if milling both sides is required. V-Carve is not quite as easy to use, but has a lot more capability. It’s not quite as easy to use for pic-engrave like this, MeshCAM makes that a real snap, but the V-Carving ability is really superb. If I could only buy one, it’d be V-Carve. Being able to make lettered signs so easily is just a load of fun. They both have very good free trials, grab 'em and give 'em a shot!
EDIT: Plus, V-Carve has most of your conventional CNC operations (pocketing, profiling, even drag engraving) available as options. MeshCAM is only a 3D model profiler.
Thank you so much Dan
Then i will have to go do some thinking,and maby a little wallet shaking
When I bought my 1000 x 1000 unit, V-Carve desktop wasn’t an option, so I bought the Pro version and haven’t looked back. The training videos are awesome and every time I look at one I learn something new. Have a look at them and see what you think.
I think it’s worth it, myself. The $350 I dropped on V-Carve Desktop I’d consider as adding about 50% to the utility of my X-Carve. Making signs with it becomes trivially easy, and loads of fun!
BlenderCam supposedly does this as well.
All what is free has to be tested first My first impression is that this is not without limitations,and user interface is not all that.
But it is free so nothing to loose