Is avabile x-carve plate plans?


I am looking for x-carve plates ready to cnc cut plans . it can be avaible? or need to redraw it?

I’m pretty sure you can download part drawings and models from the store. If that’s what you are looking for

Not sure what you are asking either but if you want the design files on the X-Carve they are open sourced and linked to.
but here is the link

My friend’s company have bystar 3015 6kw Laser cnc machines I I want to diy a x-carve for hobby use. I need 2D draw for Gantry plate,motor mount plate and markerslide end plate.
I get 3d modes at grabcad site. there is no 2d plans. By the way II can not edit it. its already block draws. when I expoled it have many line ,vertex etc create. I try a few draws but all time cnc cam software get error about “open contur.” cant fix it

If you find the individual parts in the store they have drawings, or at least they used to

The X-Carve is a fork of the Shapeoko 2 — this is documented at: GitHub - shapeoko/Shapeoko_2: Shapeoko v2 Official Release — there’s also a Solidworks version at: Shapeoko_2/SolidWorks_Project at master · shapeoko/Shapeoko_2 · GitHub and Autodesk Fusion 360 at: Fusion — there are a few more formats at: Shapeoko CNC Router, Rigid, Accurate, Reliable, and Affordable as well as notes on sourcing parts.

It’ll be easier to do a Shapeoko than an X-Carve, since the latter requires a proprietary extrusion for the carriage, while the former is just some plates, spacers and bolts.

hello again.
I can not find anywhere. and grabcad files do not use for laser cnc. I do not know why? so I start to draw it with autocad

spoiler alert: you’re already almost an expert on the subject due to your general CNC studies.


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hello again. finaly I complate draws and cut it via 3mm steel.


First look. I have no time for install.DSC_0097|690x388