Interesting take on one. I like it. Compact, seems simple. Wonder how long the gantry can extend before being too heavy and tip.
Here’s a similar machine for sale:
(no affiliation / experience, just found it w/ a search)
Minimal footprint. I like it. It would also work well for a laser machine.
I could see a laser as being a nightmare to focus all the time. Pretty much every time you move the machine you would have to refocus the lenses, wouldn’t you? Or am I overthinking it?
Move the machine? Wouldn’t you just mount it somewhere like we do the Xcarve and leave it there?
I disagree. Takes up twice the space of machine the same size (when in operation). Looks like a bump-accident waiting to happen.
The laser literally just takes a few seconds to focus. Painless process
laser literally just takes a few seconds to focus
3 mirror co2 lasers take more than a few seconds to focus
A diode laser with no mirrors like the jtech take almost no time…
Adjust mirrors and focus the laser. Two different operations and one is certainly easier than the other.
Aside from that, yes, very interesting find. I would hate to be walking by when it does a serious X move to the left. I like the ease of design, makes sense.
Adjust mirrors and focus the laser. Two different operations and one is certainly easier than the other.
Someone get me crowbar to remove my foot from my mouth. Agreed. different operations.
Yeah Don’t mind me commenting before taking it all in to process what i am looking at lol these 12-16 hour work days got me brain dead. But a nice fiber laser on the other hand.
Don’t mind me commenting before taking it all in to process
I usually speak first and think later.
these 12-16 hour work days got me brain dead
wow. that’s brutal. I hope that’s a seasonal thing.
But a nice fiber laser on the other hand.
fun. cutting metal?
Just got a hang up on fiber lasers lately because my workplace has 2 smaller working units that they are planning on moving to the scrap pile cause they are no longer in use and are in the way of the plant expansion. not long ago they gave me a cnc lathe but I had no way to unload the 8000lb beast so to the scrap yard it went. Until another line gets certified to run a new part we will be working some crazy hours and starting next week there will be a sign up sheet to work saturdays and I will be on it as I am in the process of buying parts to make a bench top cnc mill.
congrats man. that’s exciting.
shame you had no way to load/unload the machine.
hopefully you can score a laser when the time comes.