Downloaded the zipped file for the easel driver like prompted to do, then extracted files to a folder. Easel still tells me to download, even though I already have. No options to move to the next step or anything.
Hello. Did you run the installer/setup program that is in the folder you extracted?
All that was in the folder was the file in the picture.
Double click that file and it will install the driver. You may have to close and reopen your browser after you install it.
Double clicked the file and nothing happened. Closed the browser, reopened and it still says to download. Restarted the computer and still says to download.
do you have windows or mac? this would help to know.
Dell laptop with windows vista.
That was my thinking but there wasn’t one. I downloaded it 3-4 times and got the same results each time.
When I download the ZIP and extract it, the file is an EXE file named exactly that.
It sounds like maybe you’re having an issue extracting the file. If you double click the ZIP file, it’ll open a window and display the ZIP file contents. Then you can:
- Run the file from the ZIP file by right clicking on the “EaselDriver_0.3.7” file that has the little computer icon (same as the icon in my image above) and click “Open” or “Run as administrator” or “Run” or some other option. I think you can even click the “Open” button on your toolbar with the item highlighted, as it shows in your picture earlier.
- Right click on the file it shows, select “Copy” and then right click on your desktop and select “Paste”. After you paste it to your desktop, double click the file on the desktop.
It should open a window that looks like this:
Then follow the steps in that wizard to install the driver.
Just got an email from customer support. The newest drive doesn’t work with windows vista, only windows 7 and up. They gave me a link for an older driver to download that will work with vista. I’ll have to use that for now until I can get the extra play money for a new computer since I spent all my play money on the CNC itself.