Inclose Xcarve in a cabinet?

Is it possible to inclose Xcarve in an isolated closed cabinet to decrease sound and dust? Will there be a heat or other issue?

Hi Olivier!

Yes, it’s totally possible. I’ve been doing it since day 1, with great success. Here are some pics:

The thing I would encourage you to do is invest in a good dust extractor (Inventables sell Fien extractors, and they’re really good, although they make a lot of noise, so you might want to keep that in a separate room or something).

The other main consideration I have found is, the X Carve needs a lot of ongoing maintenance, and so you’ll want to ensure you can easily move it out of the cabinet for when you will invariably need to adjust things or replace them.

Hope my response has been helpful.

Thanks a lot. Exactly what I want to do. Does it decrease the noise to something acceptable by the neighbours? For the dust collection, could we run without it and then clean once the piece is finished?

It absolutely decreases the noise, how much will depend on what kind of cabinet you make, and what your expectations are. You will need dust extraction though, otherwise the dust will gum up your machine, and the temperature will get way too high on longer carves.

There are options for a “quiet” dust collection. See the inventables store in dust collection. There’s a Fein (I believe it’s called. Expensive but quiet.

It’s not quiet. I own one. I only bought it because previous versions had a feature that allowed you to turn down the pressure of the unit, thus reducing the noice, but the new versions don’t have this. If I turn off my dust extractor, my system runs so quietly you can easily talk over it in a quiet voice. With the extractor on, you have to shout.

Well that’s disappointing.

Thanks for your answers. For the dust collection I got a cyclone with a vacuum not too much noisy.
But there is device to adapt the hose of the vacuum, on the website I’m not sure where to find it. I saw the spindle insert plate but for 1.49$ I’m not sure that it is the all system. Could you help there?