I am almost at the end . . . . I’ve had issues . . . . some with spindle issues . . . . some my own . . . but I’ve kept going forward knowing . . . . eventually I will get everything tuned it . . . and actually be able to get my first project accomplished . . . . I got my machine in late June . . . . . . . I am a weekend only woodworker at the moment . . . but really trying to make a career . . . I after today’s discovery . . . . I gave up and finally made my first project . . . a door sign for my little girl . . . . . and the discovery was indeed true . . . . my lines are not at all straight . . . .
Today’s discovery was that the v-wheels on my z-axis have way too much play . . . the deflection is just over a 16th of an inch at the tip of a v-bit on the y-axis (front back play). The nuts are as tight as I could get them . . . but have stripped the heads on this latest set (my 3rd) . . . . and the play is still there.
So . . . for my final attempt . . . . and final $$ to fix this . . . may possibly be the Steel Dual V-Wheel, 5mm Bore option. This will be a significant upgrade in costs . . . but I really can’t see any other options . . . and I am losing my enthusiasm after the wait for my machine to finally get to me . . . . and now 3+ months of headaches without having a single product produced . . . . . other than a door sign with unsteady results . . .
So I guess I am asking if anyone has tried the Steel Dual V-Wheel, 5mm Bore and nuts. . . . and what their experience was with them . . .
I’m at the end of my rope . . . and kinda depressed about it . . .
I did start reading it . . . .and it is indeed the issue i am experiencing . . . . . just frustrated that again i am having to shell out money . . . . .for a designing issue . . . .
i know the steel wheels are a much more expensive option . . . but trying to give this machine every opportunity to actually make my ideas a reality . . . . . . so much of my mood at this point is frustration . . .
the steel wheels are a different size and will not work on a standard machine. Use the link that Angus listed and follow the directions there. You can aquire the washers you will need for not to much money.
X-Carve machines take a lot of adjusting to get them to make good parts.
Keep asking questions and folks here will keep helping you
The steel wheels will also wear down the aluminum (despite any anodizing) requiring that one eventually replace the Makerslide.
UPDATE: ok . . . the guys from Inventables read my post . . . . contacted me . . . . and gave me the option of either replacing with new v-wheels . . . . or . . . reimbursing me for the costs of my repairs. . . .
I am hooked and energized again by this company . . . they’ve godfathered me back in . . . my enthusiasm and creativity has been restored . . . . . . . .
I am about to make a little comment that is not exactly relevant to the x-carve itself . . . but to this company. I am tagging @Zach_Kaplan and @JohnHayes from Customer Service out here to make sure he gets this too.
This is not my first contact with Inventables about struggles I’ve had with my X-Carve. I also had one of the original spindles, and received the EXACT same treatment.
This company to me is exactly what makes the free market foundation of this country great. It is the essence of what makes this country great. Small Business . . . innovation . . . . and PRIDE in what they’ve made. They stand behind there product 150%. They put the customer first. I understand not everyone may share this view, but I haven’t experienced anything less than full support and energy to solve my problems from .customer service. I understand the delays some, as well as I, experienced with delivery of my initial machine . . . but the communication was complete and updated. It was refreshing to have actual knowledge of what was going on.
So . . . Thank You Zach, John, . . . and the ENTIRE Inventables Team. You are doing it right.