Import from Inkscape

Trying to import text from Inkscape to Easel. When I import it, it just brings up a black page.

Lots of help already here. You just have to use the search feature.


You know when you go to “Save as”, don’t save it as a “Inkscape SVG .svg” in “file type” (it’s under what you want to call your file) use the next option down which is “Plain SVG .svg”.

Edit: also make sure when you are saving your image, you have clicked the image so that you can see the tiny white boxes that appear in the corners and sides of the your image, then “Save as…”

You may also want to consider converting the type to paths — that way you’re able to use typefaces which are available to Inkscape, but not available to Easel.

I’ve tried saving as plain svg, selecting all text then saving, not sure how to convert to paths.

Select the text

Path | Object to path
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