If you knew then what you know now

Got my X-carve in Jul assembled it from Dec 1-10, making crude Christmas ornaments right away. I bought the entire ‘kit and caboodle’ as the saying goes. Even the tool kit and I have a shop full of tools. They are now in their own little dedicated drawer at the X-carve and not in one of my other toolboxes The add-ons were such a small percentage of the total package that I felt it was worth it to start with all the primary parts in place and Inventables does a great job of labeling. The wasteboard was bought as it was just a great starting point to begin from. I am loving the machine and Easel (for now, I plan to upgrade later). The forum is phenomenal, especially from the long-time ‘experimenters’. As Nike says, “Just Do It” you’ll enjoy the process.

Just remembered, I also ordered the switch box that automatically turns the spindle on and off along with my shop-vac. That was definitely worth it not to have to sit and watch a long carve or time myself to come back and shut it all off.

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