How to "Ungroup" a project

I am working on the “Hand Clock” from the project list . I would like to make a couple of changes but I can’t figure out how to ungroup the project. Easel treats it as one piece. Is there a way to do this?

Try the Exploder app?

Where is that app Tony? I could have used it many times!

Select the object, then click on the apps button (3x3 dots)…

No, the one that blows up everything! :smile:

Thanks for the input Tony. I tried it you suggestion, but it just made a copy of the project. It didn’t explode to its components like I hoped.

I’m beginning to think there is something funky about this project (Hand Clock from projects library). I’ve tried running it 3+ times and have had all kinds of problems with alignment/homing. Some attempts start out fine, then it starts cutting in the wrong spots. Other times it start off in completely the wrong spot. It seems like it’s missing steps and/or losing its home position. I was worried that it was my X-Carve so I grabbed a project from the design library and am running it now. It’s 97% complete and running perfectly.

Update to the carve issue with the hand clock project. Turns out the problem was with my X-Carve. The problem was low voltage to the stepper motors. A quick adjust of the pots per the tutorial video fixed it.

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That’s very nice! How did you go about painting the #'s and shadowing?

Tarry - I used a process that I read somewhere in this forum.

Prior to carving, I sprayed the board with 2 coats of shellac ( spray can from Home Depot). After carving, I sprayed the carved parts with black spray paint and quickly wiped up the overspray with paper towels and mineral spirits .Let dry overnight, sand the surface to get the small spot s that soaked in at the surface and then I applied 1 or 2 more coats of shellac.

I wasn’t totally happy with the way the black paint soaked into the carved parts. It’s a bit uneven in the way it soaked in to the raw wood. I think next time I will spray the carved part with a light coat of shellac before I apply the black paint .

Thanks for asking .

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Cool, thanks for the info. I also have a hard time with paint leeching into the wood, so I’ll also give the shellac a try!