i just got the xcarve and i am planning on using it for my personal business purposes… usually when someone has work done with something like this they usually charge a rate on how much time the machine would take to make whatever is ordered so it would up the price the more intricate that it got. so my question is does anyone on here do this and if so then how much are you charging???
A - How much do you want to earn on a day (7hrs)
B - How many items can you make pr 7 hrs
(A / B) = hourly rate + materials and payment of tools.
What I charge is between $35-$150 and up. Like lower price is for just simple cut outs to 2d milling and then when something is 3d or complex it’s much higher. It all depends on the area you live in and also what people will pay. Some will say that the x carve is just a tool for helping out your work and vice versa. I also factor in the tools like endmills and extra belting if need for larger jobs so you dont get stuck with out something if that happens. Mostly my formula is milling time+labor time+tools and supplies +shipping cost.
thanks guys i appreciate the help!!!