Anyone know how can i save the project done on Easel on my local pc?
really the only way that i know how you can so that is to go to the machine tab and then generate gcode once you generate the gcode then you can save it where you want and open it with any program that you would like
Sorry ontheEDGE can you explain me step by step? i really need to backup my project on some of these i spend many hours…
now i understand but its a very bad option… what i need is export the svg file
oh yeah no doubt its a bad idea lol
but easel does not have the capability to export as a svg file unfortunately that is the only way to get something off easel
What i am not sure of is and you might do some research on this but if you can convert g code to a svg file via some sorta software but i do not know if thats possible
hmm you could take a screenshot of your computer and convert that to a svg lol jk
really i dont know, i start to search it.