The x-carve was working normally yesterday, but on startup today, any attempt to home the machine causes the Z axis to drop slightly (rather than move up to contact the limit switch), then an Alarm:8. If I unlock the machine with $X, I can move the carriage around normally and return to zero, but homing still does not work. Any help would be appreciated.
This is usually a broken or loose stepper motor wire.
I don’t have a multimeter on hand, so I can’t be sure, but all connections seem secure, and the z axis moves up and down normally when unlocked.
Check your Z axis homing switch. I had the same symptoms after my switch went permanently closed.
The controller was trying to move the router downward to open the switch, and then alarmed when nothing changed. I replaced the switch and all was good.
What sender are you using?
Currently UGS, although I had the same problem with Easel
Try changing the homing switch pull-off ($27).
It is normally set to 1. Try something like 5 to see if that is the problem.
I think this would happen if it was detecting the limit switch as pressed. Can you post your grbl settings ($$)?
Can you post the status report (?) from when you reboot the machine?
A bad limit switch seems to have been the issue. Swapped it out, and we’re back up and running. Thanks all!