Hi all-
I’ve just got my Carvey set up for my classroom. I am currently in the process of setting up a ClearVue CVMax Cyclone dust collector (a 5 HP, 8" mainline system—i.e. very high flow, a sweet unit) and I’m thinking about cutting a 4" port in the back of the Carvey.
I know people have mounted collection shoes directly onto the spindle, but I’m thinking of just using a high volume (~2500 CFM) to vent the entire enclosure.
@RyanLenz That does sound like a pretty sweet system! I have a little (probably 50 cfm) vac under the table for cleanup after a job. What else are you running in the room?
Just my two cents… a dust shoe helps keep dust from accumulating on the makerslides and wheels.
I converted my old vacuum into a nice dust collector.
The vacuum was from one of those industrial types where it has 2 motors.
I then took out the motors and put on a dust collection fan from Harbor Freight then it works way better than the dust deputy as it has more suction.
I would get a dust collection that uses 4" tubes. More air volume will be much better for getting rid of the dust. Just make sure you have a good system that removes the dust well. Some also have an air filter in the shop but I do not produce that much dust. At least not yet.
It is indeed sweet. Its in a classroom with K-8 kiddos, so dust really has to be taken seriously. 0.2 Micron filter will be used when its cold outside, otherwise I’m going to just run the exhaust (after cyclone separation) outdoors.
The room also has some notorious dust-producers, far worse than the Carvey (mainly because they’re not enclosed): Belt/Disc sander, bandsaw, drill press, table router.
I’m also going to be running a Grizzly ceiling mounted 1 micron air filter for ~1 hour after any cut is made, just to scrub the stuff that is inevitably missed.
That’s a good point. I’m hoping that with this much air flow, it might achieve this somewhat.
For that matter, with this kind of flow, the incoming air could almost be used as a sort of ‘blaster’. If I position it wisely, it would form a pretty serious stream of air that could pass across the spindle/bit area.
The ceiling mount filter is a very good idea, I have one in my shop and it makes a huge difference for air quality. There is very informative thread on this forum discussing filters and how they reduce dust particles, large and small. (toward the bottom of the thread)
PatrickLesher used an air quality meter to measure how much the ceiling filter helped.
There is also a good video testing how much difference the dust collector and air filter make.
Oh, hey! He did say that didn’t he?
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