I just purchased a high precision 1/8 inch collet from the inventables website to replace my current 1/4 inch stock Collet for the Dewalt 611. After taking the 1/4in Collet out of the nut the new one will absolutely not go in my stock Dewalt 611 Collett nut. So I’m guessing I should of bought the Collet and nut together. Is this right or am I missing something here?
Yup !, It should have it’s own nut, perhaps it will snap in to the old with pressure, but I cant remember. I bought mine a few years ago and it came with the nut already on it, so when I change the collet, I just change the entire assembly of the nut and collet, (it stays together).
If you bought the one here on Inventables site, yes you need to get a different nut, read over the description and it explains what you need and provides a link for installation. Good luck !