Hi all,
I’m trying to upload multiple files that make up a project without success…I’m an Easel newbee, so I suspect I’m pressing the wrong button or something:)
I have 5-6 files I need to group together to create a project.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!
Very best wishes
PS: I’ve attached a screen grab for your ref.
Hi Dave,
Right now we have not built the folder system yet. For now just make them into separate Easel files and link them in the instructions portion when you get to the step that requires the next file.
Hi Zach, I did try this, but was only able to upload 1 file…I’ll give it another go now:)
Thank you so much for your prompt response!!
All the very best
Hi Zach,
Just tried it again…and I got the same error for each file uploaded…any ideas?
File Description Unit Price
File-type-blank /uploaded_files/original/missing.png
File-type-blank /uploaded_files/original/missing.png
File-type-blank /uploaded_files/original/missing.png
File-type-blank /uploaded_files/original/missing.png
File-type-blank /uploaded_files/original/missing.png
You can’t put the Easel file in the file upload.
Just put the link in the instructions area.