I think I´m the happiest man on internet
Thank´s to you Glenn
Name the prize anything but a blond Swede
I think I´m the happiest man on internet
Thank´s to you Glenn
Name the prize anything but a blond Swede
No problem, glad you got it fixed
I don´t know what you do for living
I´m retired from my work as a telephone repairman
So I got my self a fantastic hobby with the x-carve
between playing my pedal steelguitar and dobro
A VERY BIG thank´s for helping me
My next project is to make a dust shoe for the x-carve
When I carve out the first picture
the bit went deeper then I expected
Do you have a hint how to get the bit to just cut below the thickness
double check your material thickness, just because you bought 4mm plywood it might only be 3.8mm or 3.7mm
Ok I will
Let me know if you are going to build a lap steel, I’m designing one and hope to build it this summer.
Maybe we can share some ideas…
Absolutely Bill that will I do
I was planning on it when I bought the machine
but I’ll see if I have time,
I have a lot to do before Christmas
I will be on a show with what I’m doing with X-carve
and in that case we can exchange ideas with each other
Have a great weekend