Hello all! In need of a solid aluminum wasteboard. Any advice?

As the title says, i need a wasteboard that wont warp from downward stresses. For a 1000mm xcarve.

Any help is much appreciated!

Aluminum is going to be expensive. I’ve seen some aluminum T-slot tables going on E-bay. You might look there. I have not seen anything as big as a 1000mm X 1000mm. There are some aluminum T-slot extrusions that are about 6 inches wide and whatever length you order. If you look at some of the CNC Sharks, they seem to have something like that.

Just a thought, you might see if you could get a stone cutoff from a granite counter top installer. I’m not sure what fixturing options would be possible, but something like that would be very stiff and very flat.

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Thank you! i am aware, and willing to pay top dollar, as it will quickly pay itself off. I am cutting a lot of glass with my modded xcarve, and while i could find a 25k cnc pro glass cutter, I feel I should try a slab of aluminum first.


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How about adding more extrusion under the table you have to offer more support? I built mine out of 20 x 40 pieces on edge, and added more of them than what comes normally.

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I tried that, it still over time bends the framing.

I think this is the answer! Thank you all!


This my CNC

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this is the route I went with. very solid but will only be as level as you make it. take your time squaring and leveling during install.

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I just went with a 1/4 aluminum plate works very well for me

then I made a MDF waste board and t track20180525_144635|690x335if I had it to do over I would add more t track slots

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If one want “aluminium stiffness” but keep the spending down - or to provide a really good, firm surface for a 1/4" alu plate to rest on, two words come to mind:

Torsion box


Wow I think I’m going to go this route.

I couldn’t agree more. It’s really hard to beat a well made torsion box.

Do a search for MIC6 or ATP5 aluminum plate.
it is a cast aluminum that is stress relieved.
Its used in fixture construction.
That’s what I just installed on my machine and love it.
My whole bed is now within .002"

I found the ATP5 plate you mentioned…and for the 1000mm sq 1/4’’ plate it came out to $248.45, which seems reasonable I suppose.

How much did you get your plate for and also did you use the xcarve to make the holes and then hand tap all the threads. Or did you get it machined somewhere. I ask cause I also see surfacing machine marks

So far after looking at aluminum tslots…this is way cheaper and seems more level

My bed is .375 thick.
I think you should go with a minimum of .375
Fortunately I have a tool & die shop at my disposal so i just took the Inventables drawing, modified it to a 1" hole pattern and told the my operator to make it.
The marks that you see is from the manufacture of the plate itself.
you can see the grinder marks, but you cannot feel them.
The bed is dead flat.

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