I’m curious if anyone in here has used more traditional routing bits in their X-carve, specifically roundover and molding bits for different finishing passes?
Many of us do, but not in Easel (since it doesn’t allow 3D carving). Programs like Fusion360 will let you model your bit - including round-overs or even molding bits - for purposes of calculating your paths.
I should have prefaced my post with the assumption people would be using Fusion 360. I have not bothered to input any molding bits into Aspire, as the tool library is a little basic. I would love to see a more comprehensive tool profile available in Aspire. I’m curious how it worked, quality of cut, etc. It seems like it would decrease cut times substantially if used correctly. Also, the large diameter surfacing bits, dish bits, etc. I’m curious how the machine handles them, and if you had any scalloping.
Scalloping is more down to your feed/step-over than anything else. If you have a proper tool - with the correct angles to match your model - it shouldn’t happen unless you let it happen.
When I resurfaced my waste-board last week, I used a simple 1" surfacing bit (flat bottom), and initially had my feed rate too high, resulting in that sort of effect. Lowering the feed (and increasing the router’s speed a little) eliminated it. The scalloping was coming from the tool angling ever so slightly as it couldn’t quite keep up with the feed rate with that large a bit.
With Vectric you can add to your tool library.
You can create custom profiles.
You can also use ball nose bits in a moulding tool path.
It’s usually tramming. I’ve found it VERY difficult to get a completely trammed spindle when using 1.5" or larger bits, I usually get some discernible issue. I think it has something to do with the rigidity of the Z, runout, and just flex. I built a tramming jig that fits into a 3/8" collet with two dial indicators. I’m within .0005" of tram, but when I throw a 1.5" surfacing bit, I’ll get a very minute scallop. I’m guessing I need to put some preload into the Z to account for it. I don’t know.
Can you create a visual tool profile for complex bits like molding trim? If so I must not know this. I know it will do basic tool profiles like balls, vbits, etc, but it’s pretty limited from what I’ve seen.
Watch the Vectric tutorial videos they show how you can draw the profile and make that special bit in your tool library.
Keep in mind the XCarve is limited rigidity.
If you are going to use a profile bit you will need to use very light doc setting. As the each incremental depth takes exponentially more material as the diameter of the bit engaged in the material.
If you have Aspire as mentioned it would be best to design with a moulding.profile using simple ball end mill. Especially with XCarve machine or run it accross you router table.
Thanks, I’ll check it out. I must have missed it.