Has anyone converted a lathe to CNC?

I’m interested in a CNC Lathe. I’ve seen people on youtube convert those $550 7x14 harbor freight/grizzly/etc lathes and I think I’m gonna do the same thing. There are CNC Conversion kits on ebay, but they are (no joke) $400+. Has anyone done this kind of conversion? Did you buy a kit or make your own mounts and buy your own ball screws?

Why not just go out and buy a Tormach CNC slant lathe for 16K+ and be done with it. :wink:
I know I want one. Just have to save for another 10 years if I live that long. :smile:


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A page discussing this is linked at: https://www.reddit.com/r/hobbycnc/wiki/index#wiki_lathe_conversions


Another option is adding a 4th axis to your machine: Shapeoko CNC Router, Rigid, Accurate, Reliable, and Affordable

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I was thinking of going 4th axis, but I’d have to also make new Y end-plates and maybe extend the makerslide rail. Truth be told I’ve been toying with the idea of buying a hole new Z-axis and making a mounting plate for it with my current machine.


Of course weight becomes a concern, might need to get a bigger X-axis stepper or something, but i’m like 90% sure its too much weight on the X.

That linear motion TABLE will not get you there if you mount your spindle on the face in the photo. If you can turn it around and mount the face we are seeing to the carriage and mount the spindle on the back side then you will be able to use the extra travel. You would have to mount the stepper direct drive and it will travel up and down with the spindle.
