The intrepid @JohnMcwhirter pointed out, today is the 6th anniversary of MakerSlide!
On June 8th 2011 the original Kickstarter was funded.
After doing a little research and calculations he determined, in the last 6 years we’ve sold about 56 km of it! (that’s 56,000,000 mm for those playing along at home).
Which is also:
- The height of 106 Sear Towers stacked on top of each other.
- Enough to make an X-Carve with a 17-mile long Y-axis (you might need some supports!)
- A little more than twice the length of the Large Hadron Collider.
- Could easily penetrate the Earth’s crust (on at least 90% of the surface).
- More than twice the height of Rheasilvia’s Central Peak (the tallest known mountain in the solar system).
- The length of 35 Imperial I-class Star Destroyers
Here’s a 56km radius around our address.
Hats off to @BartDring for inventing it.
Here’s to another 6!