@HaldorLonningdal. Excellent job
Side-tracked with a present-making for Christmas:
Used a 60deg V-bit single pass 3mm deep and 5% stepover.
Feed rate 2500mm/min at 9K rpm (Not Xcarve) so the full carve took approx 30minutes. The board is 280x450mm bamboo.
Laid the epoxy on thick and ended up skim-cutting the board once cured vs sanding the excess off.
3000mm/min and 0.5mm depth per pass using a 20mm flat bit, no apparent heat build-up
My soaring club is hosting a contest this weekend so I just had to make a few plaques
IKEA APTITLIG cutter board, one board allow for 4 plaques.
Simple V-bit engraving with coloured epoxy, sanded down. As these are not intended to be used with food I shot several layers of clear coat on top.
They look awesome
Thank you Philip :). Its been a while since I carved much but the occasion called for it
Here is a quick video of it while tidying up the image design:
Have you thought of using drill bits to create the holes? A CNC makes a handy automated drill press.
Yes, but I dont have a collett system that take the wide range of drill bit diameters I use. So I cheat using CNC-bits.
At the moment I have 3/4/6mm collett on hand and most of my hole making is less than 3mm which in some cases get tapped to M3. So I “hole” to 2.4mm and tap them.
I do want at a later stage have the CNC do the threading aswell, but havent spent the cash on a threading mill yet as they are fairly pricey
Another project - this will be the largest thing I have machined to date
I have in the past made a set of stereo speakers (Fullrange Line Array with 20x 3,5" driver per side, 6’6" tall) using hand tools. I am now in the process of upgrading them and while I am at is utilize my CNC
My current set sound stellar but I can do better
Preview rendering:
Fusion360-file with test baffle (will make a test cabinet to measure internal volume vs stuffing vs impedance)
Physical parts made to check fit, these parts will also form the test cabinet.
CAM-files for the front baffle, it will be made as one long single piece => tile carving.
Three different carve programs will be run, one for the top4 speakers, one for the mid-4 speakers and lastly one for the bottom-4 speakers. Total baffle length = 2076mm, carved from 19mm MDF.
Total carve time per complete baffle approx 3hrs.
While waiting for winter I have CNC’d a test cabinet.
The test cabinet will serve two purposes, 1) test EpoxyGranite (EG) casting process / construction and 2) experiment with stuffing etc to diffuse internal reflections.
Tip - EG is a very good medium for CNC’s in general…
Hope to start machining the front baffles later this month as the next couple of weeks are rather buzy
Test cabinet done:
PVC piping conformed to proper shape, acting as an internal cast barrier. Its extracted after curing of the EG:
Mixing the EG up:
Just a quick video from my machining test before committing to the long one-piece front baffle
The end mill used is a 6mm ball mill with a long shank.
After a couple of weeks with a lot of travel I am back at it. Redesigned my speaker array front baffle and last night prepared the gcode files.
It will be my largest carve to date, spanning 2100mm in length and represent about 3hrs of carve time per baffle. The total length of the carve is divided into 6 sub-carves, each using two tools for the job. 6mm flat endmill for rouging, contour cuts etc (10min) and a 6mm ballnose for curvature (20mins)
If I am lucky () I might get to do the first carve during this weekend. Due to size of material and length of carve I need to temporarely move my CNC to either outside in the garden or into the garage
Fusion360 CAM simulation:
Baffle render preview: