Does anyone use or have experience using this GitHub - cody82/grblgui: GUI for grbl. ?
Just a follow up for this gui sender. I tried a file included in the download with an 1/8 " round bit.
The resolution of this file looks more impressionistic with roughly 1/8 " paths on the X , then a split of that and one pass on the Y to finish.
In the gui the speed was adjustable while carving by percentage, but I think the file limited the paths and depth to 1/8 " as a minimum.
To lay it out I just plotted points with the bit raised on the first pass, and found marking center points outside the carve area will help if the carve shuts down and the bit needs to be recentered before streaming again.
I am very much just starting out, so this is just experimentation for me, but thought it was worth sharing for the sake of information.