What are some gifts folks have made for new parents? I have several friends having kids that I would like to make something special for them with the x-carve. I am just drawing a blank on what that could be.
A mobile, a clock, bedroom door signs, a small toy box
Look up baptism cubes on Etsy. They would make a really nice gift.
I made this for my Grand Baby. It was one of those Design & Make Projects (Like Phil used above): Design & Make Store - CNC Clipart
I made this Baby Crib for the new grandchild this summer.
In addition to all these great gift ideas, one gift that gives back…a box of diapers!
Don’t accept those if they give them back.
Where did you get your line designs? or did you make them?
just of google and then through paint to easel
Those growth charts are excellent.
A few friends have had kids recently, I am going to make them baby keepsake boxes. Standard enough boxes with a sliding top and their babies’ names carved on top. Just for keepsakes like photos, hospital memorabilia, umbilical chords etc.
This thread is awesome. Thanks for the advice everyone.
I make stuff for newborns in Church and this is what I’ve come up with. I’ve done tractors instead of the cars for the rattles as well.
I try to engrave Baby Stats on the rattle as well. Use a beeswax and mineral oil finish so it isn’t toxic. The file for this is shared somewhere on easel. That’s where I got it.