Getting some real nice material removal rate carving phenolic today. I’ve upgraded my X-Carve up the ying-yang to make this possible.
Getting some real nice material removal rate carving phenolic today. I’ve upgraded my X-Carve up the ying-yang to make this possible.
I have to cut some 11mm phenolic for a router table plate.
What feeds/speeds/bit are you using for these cuts?
For the deepest adaptive clearing cut, it was 95 IPM, .32" DOC, .03" step-over, at 18000 rpm, with a three tooth 3/16 up-cut roughing bit.
Looks like someone could use a dust shoe. Clean looking cuts, though. Nice going.
Yeah, first day with the new z-stage. Old dust shoe doesn’t fit it. Making a new one is high on my list.
Is that one of those $100 ebay linear bearing rod stages that Phil’s always going on about?
Yep, it was about $140. Just got it working yesterday. I’m happy with it so far!
Took a fair bit of work to get it integrated, putting new threaded holes in the carriage, adding blocks for the limit switch etc.