I’m using UGS right now and wondering what other people are using. Thinking about trying chilipepper.
There are many choices for sending G code. The two that seem most popular are UGS and Chilipepper. UGS is stand alone and Chilipepper is web based.
Choose your preference, they both work well.
I use UGS and stick with it, never have problem. Chilipeppr is kind of complicated and web base.
I use grblWEB. It took some time to set up and requires a Raspberry PI. I operate in completely headless. When I need to send a file to the x-carve I can use any device I want. (laptop, table, phone). All of the processing happens on the PI and I remote monitor the machine with web cam.
I too use UGS.
The only errors I’ve had have been “operator errors”.
I use PicSender. No complaints here.
After I run a toolpath in UGS, it goes back to work piece 0,0. Then, if i want to run another path, the x,y are good, I go to zero the z and all the sudden the stepper increments are way bigger and dont know why. The bit just buries itself into my table. I have to shutdown UGS and start all over. Not sure why it is doing so.
@RyanRoberts, I used to have the same issue with he old versions of UGS. Get the nightly builds, I am on 369 right now and it works good. I run the code, it returns to 0,0, I close UGS, open a new windows and zero my Z. No more having to toggle off the power to the motors every time.
When using UGS the job finishes goes back to 0,0 but the spindle won’t stop then the increments are wrong when I go to move it should be 1" but steps .05" I need to close and re-open. Any help would be great. Chilipepper doesn’t draw a complete circle for me not sure what to do about that. Again any help would be great.
I built a Raspberry Pi to send gcode stored on a USB “thumb” drive. The main purpose was to have push buttons programmed to run dedicated programs over and over, with the option to change programs on the USB drive to run a different program. The Pi boots up and is always on the ready for the button press. The core of it is based on the Gshield serial test script and works like a charm. You could have 16 buttons without even touching the serial port, I2C or PWM pins… Take a look at my site www.nc-logic.com - there it is called an RS232 controller, but it is actually my GRBL interface for my Gshield with some extra hardware for interfacing machinery at my shop. I’m happy to help if you are interested in the idea! (instructable?!)