You can make a 500x1000 X-Carve. I built mine by buying the 1000x1000 and extra 500 x-axis extrusions. The wasteboard was a bit tricky, as was figuring out which instructions to follow when there were differences between the 500 and 1000.
I’m running 500*500 now. At some point I’ll extend one axis. I think I basically just need the rails and longer wire.
There is a neat program available for drawing a chair profile and getting design files, it’s called SketchChair. It’s a pretty neat little application.
Same here I want to extend the Y axis to 1000 and maybe the X to 750 (space limitations)
$80 for the maker slides and I’ll need new belts
Would you be willing to share SVG?
I can share the DXF file for the picnic table, but I can’t share the Adirondack chairs since it’s not my design. Phil has put a ton of work into the design and sells them on etsy and his site as mentioned above.
Oh, sure, no problem. Does he offer SVG files of them for sale?
No. DXF’s which we can convert relatively easy and PDF’s ditto…
SVG for picnic table would be VERY much appreciated. Thanks!
Bought his Adirondack chair dxf.
I made this multiple guitar stand as my first furniture piece. All channels and curves were routed and cut with the XC, included the letter in the middle of the side. The vertical side pieces and dowels are basically the only parts that didn’t touch the XC.
Very nice work. With a little modification you Can it also use for guns
Steamer then vise
I missed it. That’s insanely awesome.
This is my first bar/furniture project. I used my XC for laser etching, V carving and inlay.
I would never have attempted this without myXC, LOVE IT!
nice job