Furniture projects

It’s pretty exciting to see that we’ve had a few furniture projects done on X-Carve. The DIRESTA stool and the kids step stool.

What other kind of furniture do you think we should encourage people to make?

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I’d be interested in seeing some small lockers (like these) that can be cut on the X-Carve.


Modern Computer Desk


I’m going to make a chest of drawers for my loose guitar parts soon, something like this - MOPPE birch plywood, Mini chest of drawers, 42x18x32 cm - IKEA. I made the drawers a few years ago, but never made the carcass.

Also interested in making a chair that’s similar to this one on Instructables -

Maybe something that uses living hinges…

Also… how about any furniture that doesn’t look like it was made using a CNC machine? Like a Maloof style chair -

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On my list of things to try:

layer furniture:

something with kerf bends:

or cnc’ing the molds for laminate accessories:


How do they do the bends that dramatically? Do they put it into a press?

I love flat-pack furniture! I made this for an Instructables contest with hand tools and won the Grand Prize!


Wow! That’s pretty impressive.

Also, Adirondack beach chairs. These are super-comfortable. I entered these in the contest that Inventables sponsored. I had more views and Favorites than the guy that won. :sunglasses: I bought the AutoCAD plans from a woodworking buddy from way back and now know how to convert that into an SVG so I can import into Easel!


yes they do but not as a whole obviously. They laminate thin veneers which can be bent in relatively small radii.

pre-bending helps too

You can easily use cheap woods for all layers except top and bottom one.

Personally, what I’d like to try are these guitar hooks:

I already bought 4 of them, but they are pretty expensive, so I’dlike to try and make one myself.

making the molds can be tedious with hand tools because most of the time you’ll need to cut it out multiple times out of sheet and glue it together to the desired thickness. So all pieces need to be exactly the same. A cnc obviously is perfect for this kind of work.

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Here was my first effort to make a “Valovi-inspired” bench. @AlanDavis and @BadWolf were both horrified by the colors but it was my first experience with wood tints… and beside my daughter loves it… so, there.


wow that is pretty cool. Did you do that with Easel and X-Carve?

Thanks. X-Carve + V-Carve. The problem is the unpredictability of hardwood plywood – even the good stuff. Once this file was set up and I accidentally destroyed a sufficient amount of plywood by virtue of stupidity and inattentiveness, I needed more wood. So I had to bring my micrometer to the Rockler and go through their whole stack to find a piece that fit my drawing, rather than adjusting my entire drawing to fit the available wood. It was a good learning experience.

Can you explain what you mean? Was the thickness of the wood too variable so it didn’t fit in the slots?


Yes. The material at Rocker varied from .69" to .73" which makes it hard to buy additional wood that fits like the original sheet I measured. It’s best to have all your material on hand, then measure the thickness at several spots before designing a piece.

I just built this flat pack table on 1000mm xCarve. had to shorten up the original design to fit. Onshape/Kiri-Moto workflow. (free)

Modified Len Table


Threads like this are the only reason I wish I would have purchased a 1000 instead of a 500.

I still wish there was a 500x1000 kit option.


2 pieces of 31x31 inch ply…