Flags Flags Flags

I finished up a few more flags today. I think they turned out pretty darn cool. Let me know what you think.

The last one USMC I made for a marine friend of mine a month or so ago.


i think they look pretty cool. did you paint everything first then make your cuts and burn the wood last.

I milled the lumber to exact dimension. Stained all appropriate parts with a water based stain. Assembled all parts in a simple jig with glue and brads. Once that dried a quick orbital sand with 220 and it was off to the cnc. Propane torch for the rustic look, hand sand, and 3 to 4 coats of spar Urethane with a scotch brite scuff inbetween. Oh and the usmc flag was colored by charing the wood, sanding off the flakey bits, rinse and repeat.

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Wow, I really like these flags… do you sell them?

I have sold a few but nothing production wise. All just local word of mouth type thing.

Those look great!

I just finished this one and sent it out. Never had any requests for the sports ones but those things look awesome!


These look great!

do you have any more detail shots of the screaming chicken?

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That thing looks awsome. What was the process you used? Looks like larger boards butted together and each strioe pained. Love the effect around the airborne symbol.

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I thought I did Bluelocktite but I guess I forgot to take one before it got shipped it out. I’m supposed to have a few more orders for them after the friend that bought it for one of his friends showed a bunch of his buddies. I’ll get some better pictures then.

I just assemble the boards, paint, carve, then torch. I’ve got other flags I use different effects for but it just depends on what the customer wants. That particular flag was a mini. 13.5"x24.5"

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My “mini” flags are almost the same size 13x24.5. regular sized is 19.5x37. unfortunatly my brush skills are not good enough to paint on the stripes, wich is why I stain each board individually. I would love to see more of your work!

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I’ll post some pictures tonight when I get in the house. Out in the garage sweating like crazy working on a couple large flags. My large are 32.5"x65"


I’m really lovin’ the style of these flags! Great Job!!!

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Looks great John. I also do similar flags


Is the red stained and then did you use a torch to burn the wood over the paint

Yes that is how I did mine. I torch all the boards first before putting it together to include the stained boards. I will also do touch up torching afterwards.


Nickbateman…I really like that design, good work! Wouldnt be willing to share that file would ya?

Those sports flags are pretty cool!

another usmc one I did. I have found doing the stars using V carve you must have a very flat and uniform surface. I ruined one large and one medium flag that had slightly bowed before I had a chance to carve it. The one im doing now I used 1/8th to pocket then 1/16 to profile and get a fairly sharp point. Much more forgiving than vcarve but you loose those real crisp sharp corners. Ill try to post a picture when its done.


I do all mine in easel. Using a 1/16" bit. I use shallow passes on one carve in case the boards are even slightly different height. Then another pass a little more aggressive to speed it up.