This is my first project using Vcarve. I used Jeremy Simmons’ Heightmaptostl program to create a STL(Great program Jeremy! Thanks for sharing!) and imported that into Vcarve. Nothing real special, but I think it came out pretty good even though I just threw some stain on it.
Thanks for the kudos @StanPhillips. Nice piece.
My software
Stands on the shoulders of @mfussi, the original author of heightmap2stl
What kind of bit did you use for that project??
Roughed with a .25 end mill and finished with a .0625 tapered ball nose bit.
Yeah, I was originally going to use a 2" piece of maple I had but with the linear rail Z I couldn’t. Went right in the house and ordered Charley’s end plates but haven’t had a chance to install them yet.