FIRST Robotics 2018

Inventables has supported FIRST robotics in various ways over the years from volunteering at events to donating PDV’s to the kit of parts to making a custom configuration of X-Carve X-Carve | Affordable CNC Machine | 3D Carving Machine | Inventables

Does anyone in our customer community support, mentor, or work with FIRST in any way?

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Not currently, but a few years back I was part of a team support group. Fundraising mostly. Didn’t realize you guys were involved too, nice surprise.

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I have been involved in First FRC since 2001. I bought an Xcarve to to get my team 1640 into cnc. The Xcarve did the job to get us started. We used the 2018 Vouchers for some end mills. Have to say the Xcarve is a little lite for what we grew into. We had an old Gerber Dimension 200 donated to the team. Did some refurbishing and it has become our work horse. We also have 2 FTC teams and the Xcarve will be used to Introduce middle school students to CNC.

The above picture is our CVT swerve drive. Many parts in the past have been cut on an Xcarve. With the router, Mill and 3d printer, We turn kids into Makers.


@Zach_Kaplan my daughter in law teaches the robotic program for the past several years in the high school

Here are a few slides I put together to summarize what we’ve done so far.

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That’s a huge (x3?) jump this year!

I assume the presentation you’re putting together is about Inventables past/current/future contributions to FIRST… who’s the main audience?

Yea. I was the Keynote speaker at the Midwest regional. We got some follow up questions so I put it together to give some people more context about the history.


I have mentored various teams since 2004, and also volunteer at several events.

I bought my x-carve after a discussion and demonstration by @JonAnderson at the Milwaukee Maker Faire last fall. This summer I am using it to work with some students on developing some different prototype drivetrain designs out of plywood. I also used it last season to knock out some quick “proof of concept” pieces out of foamboard and plastic. We have not tried to make final aluminum parts on it, I have about 0.010" of backlash in my x-axis, and that’s too much for most of the parts, so they get made on either bigger CNC mills, or waterjet.

Thank you for your continued support!!

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