First project post - LED sign with mdf base. (picture heavy)

Hey guys,

First time posting a project, I’ve been working on these for a few months and with a great amount of support from everyone at my primary job I have been able to keep going and making them better. While doing this project my soldering iron started to fail so now its time to get a new one (only half the lights ended up staying on).


Is that laser etched or Vbit?

Looks like a regular end mill.

90 Degree Vbit

Cool! I just finished a few today too! Don’t forget to mirror the cut so that it’s reversed on the backside of the acrylic. I always forget halfway through the carve and end up starting over.

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Looks great! Cast or Extruded acrylic?

Looks great! Can you provide a link to the bit you are using?

If you were talking to me :stuck_out_tongue:

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