Hi there,
We’ve got a set of 3 500mm X-Carves (2 original, 1 new one with the X-Controller) and we’e been running them pretty hard for the past year. They’re amazing machines and they’ve hardly ever let us down.
I’ve had the feed rates in our toolpath generator (ASPIRE) set to 8000mm/min on the X&Y and 500mm/min on the Z axis.
We cut really soft material so in theory we can be cutting much faster than this (25-50% faster). The forms we’re cutting fits in a 45x45x25mm envelope and we run a 3D finishing pass over them which take on average 5 minutes. The real limit to improving cut-time seems to be the speed on the Z-Axis as it rises/ plunges over the contours of the form.
I chose to do some testing on the newer X-Carve we have as it has the Nema 23 motors and more powerful drivers.
The grbl limits in the firmware are set to 8000mm/min maximum and 500mm/min for the X&Y and Z axes, so I changed these in universal g-code sender to 10000mm/min and 800mm/min. All good - an improvement of about 30% in speed. Amazing how quickly it can move!
When I increased it further to 12000mm/min and 1000mm/min the X and Y axes could cope but the Z Axis motor couldn’t keep up. If you moved it 30mm up, it would shoot up about 20mm then do a high pitched whine/ power down noise, so in fact it would only move about 22-25mm.
I noticed that you can also change acceleration rates for the axes to adjusted these but still sometimes get a kind of run-off situation from the Z motor.
As the motors I’ve got are the standard 140oz NEMA23, I’m wondering if I can get a better result from putting on a larger 262oz motor on, since we’d have more torque to work with. I’d have to raise the Z axis up 25mm to accomodate for the larger motor but if it gives us more speed we’d be keen to try. We’re a business so faster speeds = higher output and lower operating cost.
I also assume electronically it’s compatible with the X-Controller.
Now to the question:
Does anyone else have experience / stories with pushing the speeds of the X-Carve to the limit? Does anyone have an idea how fast it can move? And has anyone had the same runoff noise from a stepper motor?
Note I’m asking about feed-rate, not rapid movements
Thanks !