So after a few years of down time due to moving, getting unpacked, house projects ect I got the X-Carve built again. Since I don’t have 220V in the basement yet I broke down and got a Dewalt 611 so I could get going again. I was testing the Triquetra touch plate last night and I ran a homing sequence not noticing a allen wrench in the waste board so I immediately hit the E-Stop. However it seems that is not the fastest way to stop the machine instantly as it kept running for another second or two and hit the wrench taking out my Suck-It mount and Laser mount in the process.
I have one of the first batch X-Controllers has the E-Stop changed since then or is there a mod to get it to stop a bit quicker? I remember reading awhile ago about the correct way to stop it was an IO pin and locking the steppers rather than cutting the power totally but do not recall what the mod was for. Would the pause button have stopped it quicker in a homing sequence?
Also, Anyone know if the plans for the bottom part of the Suck-It are available? That seems to be the only part that broke, the side arms and top support are fine. Going to see if a friend of mine can print another laser support but I think his printer is down so might have to wait awhile for that.