Fantasy Football (American) League Trophy ideas

As I begin to put together this year’s trophy for a few different fantasy football leagues, I was curious if others have made some trophy projects. Last year I completed a trophy using the laser set up, but it was a mix of a 60w laser and the jtech laser. I didn’t use the rotary element of the X-carve. I thought a few of these ideas were good but more curious if others have done something like this and if so, are you willing to share your project?

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Created a Fantasy Nascar trophy this year.

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I still need to figure out how to convert the guy sitting in his chair (seen above at the beginning of this thread) into a 3D/2.5D model so I can carve it into a board. Any thoughts on how to do that? I am no where near useful in sketchup or any other modelling software. So when I say- any thoughts on how to do that…what I mean is…is there anyone out there who knows how to do it well enough and is willing to share their skills? I have two fantasy football trophies to complete soon. I enjoy making them as redneck as possible.

Made from pallet wood, 1/4" plywood, gold paint, jtech 2.8w laser, Picengrave Pro 5, and Picsender. Fun making these goofy little trophies.

Uploading File Jan 12, 9 46 30 AM.jpeg…

Uploading File Jan 12, 9 46 30 AM.jpeg…

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I am not into spectating sports watching. However I like the one with the guy in the chair.