Fallout 4 Nuka Cola

Back with another Fallout 4 inspired carving. This time I wanted to make a Nula Cola bottle cap. Found this image on the Internet and used it for inspiration:

Took a 1 inch thick pine circle blank from Home Depot 18 inches in diameter. With the help of my brother who is a mechanical engineering CAD guy (the shapes are surprisingly complex in circle form) created the following in aspire:

Used airbrushing to paint and shade the flanged areas:

Then enameled the top:

Used the Silouette Cameo 2 (this tool deserves a post all its own – amazing value for 250 bucks) to cut templates from card stock. Then used easy tack to paint the logo:

Then aged it (it was in a nuclear war after all):


On the top is the original graphic, on the bottom the carving:


wow. Awesome job.

Looks awesome!

Great work!

Gotta show this to a colleague of mine who is a Fallout fan. :smile:

wow that’s brilliant. Would you mind sharing the drawing files for the cap shape?

whoaaaa awsome !!! i will love do it too !!!

That is very impressive, my son is a huge Fallout fan. If you shared the STL file I can carve him one.

Will do when I get to my computer…

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Dude’s an artist! I would love that STL too - for the 3d model of the bottle cap. Nice work Tim.

Here is a bottlecap STL file that I have, not the same one, but might do the trick.

Bottlecap.stl (1.8 MB)

Im impressed with the level of detail you were able to capture with both fallout pieces. Thanks for sharing.


Here is the original DWG and STL. I imported into aspire as a model. For a one inch piece of wood, I rotated the model up, and stretched it to around 18 inches. Then I selected to max height the object at about .95 inches, and chose to delete the remaining model - making the flange area shorter than the original model - with just a bit of a straight edge all around. I could also share the original aspire file if anyone is interested…
NukaCapNoText.dwg (534.0 KB)
NukaCapWithText.stl (1.1 MB)

Thanks Tim!

i would love the aspire file. My son is a huge Fallout fan.

Glenn -

I think you can use this one (attached). It is a v-carve file which you should be able to open. It contains the 3d model. Also, I believe you can import the stl in Aspire (link above).BottleCap.crv (2.9 MB)

I have aspire 8.0 and VCarve 6 so no go on that file.

I’ll work with the STL.

Thank you for trying

Thanks for the files. i was finally able to bring it into Aspire. I brought the height down to .75 inches and the X and Y at 10 inches.

Can’t wait to carve it out.

excellent !