If I have the gcode set at ‘30’ will it just be ignored for V-carving or do I need to recreate the gcode with the value of ‘0’?
Any idea why the attached gcode doesn’t lift the bit after first cut and moves to second location scratching the wood and then stops?
DreamBig DXF TEST.ngc (331.6 KB)
Is there any chance you are able to take a quick look at the file above as I can’t seem to find the culprit? I tried it with another .dxf file in F-engrave with the same settings and I am getting the same results while carving.
You’re a rock star!!! Thanks so much. I’ve been pulling my hair out on this.
Here us the outcome from our discussions late last week. Stull not happy with the roughness of the cut. It is leaving bits of wood in the bottom of the cuts. Any suggestions?
I don’t use F-Engrave, but when I do v-carving I usually run the cut twice. The second pass cleans out all of the excess bits and any fuzz left after the initial carve.
have you tried it that on mdf?
others they file/sand it.
This is after a 2nd pass. I even created a second gcode file for a single full depth pass to try and clean it up but to no avail? I then lowered the Z by .01" to try and do a cleanup pass but that didn’t work either?
The only thing I can think of is to try and sending the gcode via UGS rather than Easel? Not sure if that would make a difference? I’ve never used UGS and loaded it last night but couldn’t get it to talk to the Xcarve when trying to set the home location. I gave up!! I will have to do some reading today on how to properly use UGS.
No I did not. I have the stock X-carve waste board (in perfect condition) What impact would that have?
I will try a running the same job on a piece of MDF or hardwood to see if it is just the wood. Do you think that trying to run the job through UGS would make a difference at all? I am just trying to eliminate things 1 by 1 because I have had success with this same wood.
I am new to this and struggling to get my machine operating properly. Does anyone live near KY that I can bring my machine too?