I’m wanting to extend my stepper motor cables, I’ll use exactly the same cable as already supplied, with inline XLR type connectors. I’d like to extend cables by 5’, does anyone know or have any experience of any problems that may occur, I’m wondering about voltage drops etc etc…
Many Thanks …
In my knowledge, I don’t see any problem extending cables. Just try to find same grade cable, solder extension. You may lost microscopic power, and I believe someone will explain the cons scientifically. But you will have to adjust your stepper voltages from the adjustment pots one way or other.
There would be a very small voltage drop using longer cables, but keep in mind that (for the NEMA 17 motors) you are running a 2.8 volt motor with 24 volts. This works because the stepper motor drivers limit the current delivered to the motor which keeps the motor from being destroyed.
Thanks for the input…
I also wanted to extended my stepper cables and limit switch wire by about 1mtr to put the X controller and other bits on a shelf, I was thinking of using these https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00G9IEHQK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I am trying to find a way to ground all the cables, any ideas
Keep in mind that the NEMA 17s are 2.8 volt motors and the NEMA 23s are 3.2 volt motors as sold by Inventables.
The advantage of using a voltage higher than the rated voltage for the motor and using current limiting to keep from frying the motor is that you get a better response time from the motor. Small changes in the 24 volt source would be negligible.
Using a combination of the standard cable supplied by Inventables, going into a set of terminal blocks, then heavier guage wires going from the controller to the terminal block should keep voltage drops to a minimum without impacting the flexibility of the cables inside the drag chains.
Stepper motors are almost always supplied a higher voltage than they are rated for to give the motor better performance. That’s why you need current limits.